The project Waloryzacja i udostępnianie zbiorów z czasów Wielkiej Emigracji oraz powstania Zgromadzenia Zmartwychwstańców was financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland. Cofinanziato dal Ministro della Cultura e del Patrimonio Nazionale della Repubblica di Polonia.

The main goal of the project activities is to renovate the museum operating at the Congregation of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Rome. As part of the museum’s activities, archival materials, works of art, and information about the activities (including independence-related) of important and well-known representatives of the Polish Church (Resurrectionists) will be disseminated. This includes representatives of Polish culture and art who operated abroad during the Great Emigration and directly worked with the Congregation, among whom were: Bogdan Jański, Tomasz Oskar Sosnowski, Adam Mickiewicz, Cyprian Kamil Norwid, Father Eustachy Skrochowski, and Zygmunt Krasiński.